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SMASH Egg Machine

Spreading Moments of Absolute Smiles and Happiness

I designed the SMASH egg machine to dispense toy capsules, which, while a craze among some adults are beloved by kids. This sparked the idea that it could be an ideal medium for conveying messages to children and fostering a positive impact. The machine has been placed in various locations to fulfill its goal.


Interact Blood Drive(August 2023)
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Soul Sante Dussera(October 2023)
The Journey
The machine started of with a very deferent design, and would dispense an egg after a payment would be processed . The design was changed later. Also the UPI payment method was removed as the gateway wasn't very secure, and the connectivity of the GSM module wasn't very good. I am currently working on a version that accepts payments UPI payments(V3) more securely.
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